On Tuesday September 12, Les Papeteries will be hosting PURE ILLUSION, a Themed Encounter on the subject of digital strategies.
'Gokurōsama' took both the 2017 Schools and Colleges Prizes, within the Anima-J program.
On Tuesday September 26, meet up at the Papeteries, for a theme-based CCI-CITIA morning on "Selling in Switzerland: a recipe for impactful communications."
Take advantage of funding assistance to help you create your digital animation project in Haute-Savoie.
CITIA invites you to a new "Thématique" at Les Papeteries on 4th July at 8:30 am around the question: Can performance be zen?
CITIA invites the entire image creative industries sector to the traditional "Best of Annecy" 2017 screening on 6th July at 6:30 pm.
CITIA is hosting another ‘Face à l’expert’ session at Les Papeteries, on Thursday 6th July, about hiring for full and part time staff.
Giving students a taste of what animation has to offer with the Anima-J 2017 programme and awarding the School Prize!