13th Feb 2023
2023 Accreditations are Now Open!
Reserve your accreditation and prepare your trip!
In 2023, the Annecy International Animation Film Festival is ready for you from Sunday 11th June to Saturday 17th June, and its Film Market (Mifa) from 13th to 16th June.
Join us for a technicoloured edition which is putting Mexican animation centre stage!
Professionals, students, movie buffs, whatever your profile, choose the accreditation that suits you best and which gives you access to different offers: international competition, previews, Work in Progress, Masterclasses, Conferences, Recruitment, Mifa Campus, Project Pitches, Exhibitors Area, and more!
Are you a professional or teacher in animation?
- Enjoy all the Annecy Festival 2023’s programme (Competition, Special Programmes, Screening Events, etc.).
Festival Accreditation - In addition to the Festival’s programme, attend the various meetings, Work in Progress, Making of, Conferences, Studio Focus, and more.
Festival+ Accreditation - Attend all the Festival and Film Market’s events to discover all the industry’s productivity.
Mifa Accreditation
Make the most of the early bird rate until 28th February, then promotional rates until 2nd May.
Are you a student?
Enjoy an accreditation that gives you access to all content that is especially for you, at the Festival and Mifa, in order to better prepare your future career.
Students Accreditation
Are you a buyer?
Buyer, investor, or distributor in the field of animation, film, audiovisual or multimedia, enjoy access to all events and a dedicated area.
More info
Are you from the media?
Would you like to cover the event as a journalist or blogger?
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Are you Press Officer?
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Are you a moviegoer, enthusiast, with family or friends?
Le pass Grand public is just for you! Check out animation for the first time and enjoy one reservation per day to discover the Annecy Festival programme.
Available in May
Lac Annecy Tourisme & Congrès offers a selection of pre-reserved accommodation for Annecy 2023 participants. The list is updated regularly.
More info
Browse our Helpdesk, which is designed especially
for this year’s edition. You will find all the answers to your questions to prepare your visit, or your participation