22nd Jun 2017
Do You Need to Recruit?
CITIA is hosting another ‘Face à l’expert’ session at Les Papeteries, on Thursday 6th July, about hiring for full and part time staff.
Are you going to be hiring fulltime or part time employees? CITIA invites you to make an appointment with Sirac at the CITIA ‘Face à l’expert’ session, set to take place at Les Papeteries – Image Factory on Thursday 6th July at 2:00 pm.
During a personalised appointment, you can meet up with Sirac, specialists in new types of employment, whose aim is to help you in managing your HR, in particular in VSEs and SMEs.
Sirac was created in 2009 as an ETTP (Entreprise de travail à temps partagé) that recruits workers in their chosen fields and hires them on a fulltime contract using a made-to-measure approach directly connected to the needs of companies. Sirac has also been working in professional mobility using MODEL (Mobilité, détachement local) since 2011.
Get in touch with Yannick Heude to sign up for an appointment with Sirac at this ‘Face à l’expert’ session at Les Papeteries – Image Factory, Cran-Gevrier, at 2:00 pm, Thursday, 6th July.