23rd Sep 2015
Take part in Imaginascience
If you're in the vicinity, why not come along to Cran-Gevrier for the 3rd Imaginascience, an event about scientific imagery for a young public?
Take part in the latest Imaginascience. Interactivity, creativity and latest news are the bywords for this free event organised by La Turbine Sciences open to professionals as well as the general public. Visitors are invited to think about how science is (re)presented.
Wednesday 14th October will be given over to the image of science from a scientific point of view and through new media, while Thursday 15th October will look at imagination as an instrument of science.
A talk show, panel discussions, speed meetings, performances, tests for new tools... the programme is vast including:
- news about the climate of the future with Oculus Rift
- a YouTubers talk show with Fred Courant from the C’est pas sorcier TV programme
- how to control an object through thought waves via a drone pilot
- information on micro-mapping
- testing a cartoon book…
The different events will take place at both La Turbine and the Papeteries – Image Factory sites.
Check out the programme on the Imaginascience site (in French only). Free online sign up.