17th Sep 2015
'Acteurs du tourisme et de la formation' Meeting
The Savoie Mont Blanc University invites you to the first meeting of professionals working in the tourist sector and training on the 1st October at the Savoie Technolac campus.
In collaboration with Savoie Mont Blanc Tourisme, the Savoie Mont Blanc University Club des entreprises, the CCI 73 and 74 and CITIA, Savoie Mont Blanc University is organising this meeting in order to share their resources.
You can come along to the Savoie Technolac campus on Thursday 1st October to find out more about these resources (projects, work placements, research thesis etc.) targeted to tourism (marketing, law, management, events, HR, communication etc.). The meeting is a great opportunity for networking between students, tourism professionals and trainers.
After the initial presentation, BtoB appointments will be set up between tourism professionals and heads of training, depending on the needs of all concerned.
Find out more here (in French only), and sign up.