16th Apr 2015
Annecy French Tech Constituent General Meeting
The Annecy French Tech collective invites you to its association Les Vallées du Numérique's constituent general meeting on 23rd April.
The Annecy French Tech collective invites all its partners and supporters to take part in an important step towards its development: Les Vallées du Numérique's constituent general meeting.
It is very important that as many people as possible show up in order to pool efforts by gathering together to stimulate the local economy linked to digital and start ups.
To prepare for this meeting, everyone can consult the statutes and commitment charter and download sign-up forms on the Annecy French Tech website.
Come and join on 23rd April 2015 at 5:30 pm at the ESAAA, 52 bis rue des Marquisats in Annecy, to promote creation, dynamism and the development of innovative companies.
Registration is required before 20th April 2015 at contact@annecyfrenchtech.com.