30th Mar 2015
Check out the Bruit Blanc (white noise) project
For the second year in a row, sound portraits of speakers were made during the Forum Blanc.
As part of their studies, students from the Master 2 pro EIDI – Interactive Writing, Interaction Design, CCI FORMATION "digital" Annecy/IAE Savoie Mont-Blanc were given a piece of work to do at the Forum Blanc for the second time.
They were asked to design an interactive programme focused on sound media to create a portrait of three speakers from the Forum.
Check out the Bruit Blanc 2 project and discover the portraits of:
- François Legall: Interactive Producer, Camera Talk Productions
- Michel Reilhac: Story Architect, Experience Designer
- Margaux Missika: Transmedia Producer, Upian
To learn more about the project, take a look at the Facebook page for Bruit Blanc 2 or their Twitter.