17th Nov 2014
Marie Manand winner of the TFou d’animation competition
This year's TFou d’animation prize has been awarded to Marie Manand for her screenplay C’est reparti pour un tour !
The TFou d’animation 2014 prize, organised by TFou and the SACD (Société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques), in partnership with the SNE (Syndicat national de l’édition) and the magazine J’aime lire, rewards the screenplay of an animation film project aiming to encourage children to read.
Marie Manand's project, C’est reparti pour un tour !, was chosen to win the prize, from the 113 received, for its entertaining way of showing off reading. As well as 1,000 €, she will also receive the sum of 15,000 € from the TF1 group to fund her film.
You can check out the sneak preview at Annecy 2015 at the TFou press conference.
Find out more about the screenplay and the winner (in French only)