13th Oct 2014
Two innovating projects rewarded
Chipee and Environmental Picture are the two winners of the support platform for innovating projects.
Created in 2012 by CITIA, with support from the Savoie Region Assembly, this platform helps original projects to move from the concept and experimental to preindustrial stage.
This year the financial aid will be divided between two projects:
- Chipee, represented by Matthieu Thiévent, Thibault Leporé and Romain Lagrange, online service providing users with free shipping on Internet through advertising. Amount of aid: 18,000 €.
- Environmental Picture, represented by Florent Blondin, datavisualisation web solution to help comprehension and sharing of a product's environmental footprint. Amount of aid: 10,000 €.
Submission files to the platform for 2015 will be online shortly.